Our Mission
Our mission is to give voice to a community’s existing strengths and assist community leaders in reframing problems, designing solutions, and implementing positive change for their people.
Our Vision
We envision a world of thriving communities driven by collective voice and renewed hope. We assist Indigenous and rural communities through capacity building consultation services. Our goal is to help communities mobilize resources, develop strategies, and increase their community wealth.
Our Core Values
Serving as guiding principles that determine how we conduct our work, our core values are to:
Use hope as a catalyst for change
Turn community hope into reality by connecting existing assets and knowledge to innovative change strategies.
Build community wealth
Work collaboratively with community leaders to design programs and systems that support the creation of an inclusive, sustainable economy, built on locally-rooted and broadly-held ownership.
Create authentic community partnerships
Build community capacity by creating diverse teams of consultants, students, and community members to carry out project tasks/goals.
Honor community
Community projects will honor the relationality of things, the interconnected dimensions of knowledge-spiritual, emotional, mental and physical.